Subliminal Scent


With the 2018 quickly approaching, it is time to shed old habits and look ahead to try new things that sometimes are out of our comfort zone.  Perfume is out of mine. I am not a fragrance person.  Although I love the smell of some scents, I am just one of those people whose olfactories are too sensitive to have any aromas that are too vibrant near them, let alone have anything spritzed in their vicinity. My eyes begin to water, my nose starts to sniffle, and I prefer to hold off breathing whenever I try to put some on, no matter how heavenly I think it smells.  The last time I decided to throw caution to the wind was about four years ago when  I came across Nirvana by Elizabeth and James.  The romantic scent reminded me of Paris in the springtime and I just had to have it, in spite of any possible consequences.  I found it in a rollerball, and figured that might be a safe bet, since with a rollerball, one can control where and how much to put on.   I found if I placed just a dab, anywhere below my waist, the scent not only made my nether regions smell nice, but the aroma was far enough away from my nose, that it didn't bother me.  Alas, could my perfume problem be solved?  Maybe, maybe not -  I only wore it on occasion and had not purchased another fragrance of any kind since then.  I still wasn't fully comfortable wearing scents and nothing spoke to me the way that one did.

Enter - Black Orchid by Tom Ford.  

I was sifting through one of my magazines when I found one of those ads with the essence infused in them.  I usually just rip the pages out, but this time, I cautiously decided to take a sniff and was mesmerized.  The scent was romantic, yet mysterious, sexy and alluring.  It reminded me of that bewitching feeling you get when the sun goes down over a bustling city or the excitement that ensues when a new year approaches as you ponder the unknown possibilities each may hold.  I quickly took to Sephora to see if it was available in a rollerball, and sure enough it was.  I dabbed on just a bit and am now entering 2018 totally spellbound and rethinking my original aversion.  Though only time will tell, perhaps my trepidations towards perfume will slowly disappear into the mystic night I think of when I wear this fragrance.