Getting old Sucks.  There I said it.  Unfortunately, like it or not, we are doomed to get older. It means we are alive. How we handle this process will play a role in how we feel as we mature. Turning 40, then 50 and beyond is often a rude awakening for many, (it was for me), but it can also be a rebirth, a fresh new start to a new phase in life.

Reaching those middle to upper years is no longer what it used to be. Every woman can age with style, grace and sophistication. Women today enter their middle years with more confidence and independence than they ever have in years past.    

I believe that we all have the ability to look and feel great as we get older without the need for extremes, and that beauty and fashion can be accessible for all.  I am a mother, a writer, a partner, a friend, a traveler, a beauty addict and a savvy shopper who is determined to conquer the challenges of getting older with style.


for more information please contact: info@thefreshsophisticate.com
