Take A Bow - Fun Formalwear for the Casual Man

For quite some time, I had been on a fruitless mission to get the men in my life out of t-shirts and sweats and into something a bit more dapper. Don’t get me wrong, I am far from unreasonable. My formalwear fantasy was not one that was to be fulfilled for day to day life (though would that be so bad?) It was meant for occasions such as fine dining, theatre and such. I wasn’t asking for much, yet my struggle was real. However, I never gave up hope - a testament that sometimes even the most whimsical of prayers are answered.

Star Wars Comic Book bowtie by MBM Bowties

Star Wars Comic Book bowtie by MBM Bowties

The solution to my (a-hem) problem was found in the most unassuming of places - a local comic con. There in the overcrowded aisles was a woman whose table was filled with pop art, comic book superheroes and classic tv shows transformed into the most formal of formalwear - a bowtie. A welcomed change from bobbleheads and comic books, I stopped in my tracks to have a closer look. There, on her table, lay the answers to my problem. Both my guys love comic books, and superheroes and sci-fi flicks and cartoons. If I were to get them a bow tie with their favourite tv shows and movies, they would be sure to wear them - wouldn’t they? I plunked down my cash and was confident this woman’s wares were genius!

They were.

The next day I went back and bought another…and another. I couldn’t get enough. I had to stop as I was soon becoming addicted to her designs.  The bowties were by MBM Bowties.  MBM’s roster of bowties have been worn by celebrities and even Prime Minister Trudeau. They were fun, they were formal (yet casual) and they were fantastic!

Bugs Bunny bowtie by MBM Bowties

Bugs Bunny bowtie by MBM Bowties

Bowties have always conjured up images of stodgy college professors and literary types - old bearded pipe smoking men in tweed blazers and knit corduroy vests. I rarely pictured this accessory on a young, hip person outside of a wedding (except for James Bond). I felt these ties were a great way to change that imagery. A bowtie doesn’t have to be stuffy. The right bowtie CAN be worn casually without looking frumpy. It can be hip and modern. It can showcase your personality in a fresh new way. And in my case, it was the impetus to bringing the men in my life closer to reaching my goal of having them nix their gym wear 24/7. After all, a bow tie warrants a real shirt, and perhaps real pants (I consider jeans to be real pants and makes a totally acceptable pairing for this cool, trendy look).

Star Trek 50th Anniversary bowtie by MBM Bowties

Star Trek 50th Anniversary bowtie by MBM Bowties

The best part is that they love them. They actually look forward to wearing them, and are even eager to. Who would have thought that would ever have been the case?