A New Coffee Experience


As I was meandering uptown from the West Village on a beautiful spring Sunday, I came across an enormous storefront I had not seen before. Granted it had been a while since I had explored this part of the city, but what waited for me inside was a sleek, three floor coffee wonderland. Geniusly located across the street from Google’s NYC headquarters and Chelsea Market on the corner of 15th Street and 9th Avenues is one of Starbucks new concept experiences, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery. It’s dark and mysterious interior was reminiscent of a sophisticated nightclub, people mingling about with a giant roaster to provide entertainment in the center ring. Three levels hosted a variety of customers, young and old, singles and families for not only coffee, but also for a bite of some more upscale fare than what is featured in regular Starbucks stores. Desserts such as tiramisu and and a variety of tortes, sit beside artisan pizzas and sandwiches such as Brioche con Prosciutto Crudo e Parmigiano Reggiano and Sfilatino con Pistacchio Mortadella.


I was confused, mesmerized and fascinated all at once. As I was trying to take it all in, I found a spot in front of the giant roaster and planted myself there for a while to just gawk at everything. It was amazing. The roaster was connected to a series of clear tubes that snared their way all over the ceiling above, transporting coffee beans to where they needed to go. The coffees featured at Starbucks Reserve locations are rare, special editions not found in most regular stores. There are currently only 5 of these concepts worldwide: Seattle, Shanghai, Milan, Tokyo and New York, with one in Chicago scheduled to open soon. This one in New York has been open since December. Some of the coffees featured here include Guatemala and Gravitas Blend. You can also purchase gift type items such as mugs featuring the Reserve logo.


Kudos to Starbucks for always trying to find new innovative ways to elevate one’s coffee experience and educate people in the process. The Starbucks Reserve Roastery in NYC is a definite must visit for everyone, whether they are a coffee lover or not. I have certainly never experienced any place like it ever and can’t wait to go back.