Olympic Inspiration - "Tonga Man"

When people think of Olympic style, they think sporty and athletic.  They look at each of the countries uniforms as they march into the opening ceremonies.  This year's winter games showcased most of the teams dressing for the season -  heavy winter jackets, hats, scarves and gloves. However, there were a couple of exceptions such as Bermuda and this year's standout - Tonga. 

Referred to by many as "Tonga Man," the Tonga flag bearer is none other than athlete Pita Taufatofua.  We saw him two years ago strutting his shirtless, oiled bod at the Opening Ceremonies in Rio where he competed in tae kwon do.  We fell in lust, and who would have thought he would return so soon, this time as a cross country skier. (How awesome is that?!)  Back in 2016 and once again this year, he wore a ta'ovala, a Tongan dress which is basically a mat wrapped around the waist that is worn at all formal occasions. Let's face it, it's one thing to wear a ta'ovala and go shirtless in the warmth of Brazil, it's another to do it in the freezing cold of Pyeongchang.  I have to say, aside from watching his shiny, perfect pecs strut out, (I am lucky enough to have my own version of that at home), I was totally taken by whaat he was wearing.  The bright red and black striped full skirted fringe of his ta'ovala was bold and totally stylish.  I was inspired and I totally want a skirt that looks just like it.  In the meantime....

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