Over the Knee at 50?

I don't know about you but this winter's frigid temps are cramping my style.  My go-to winter items are sweater dresses.  Whether I have to dress up or down, they keep me warm when the mercury drops.  However, this year, I can't seem to wear them without my legs going numb.  Let's face it, panty hose are not meant to hold in heat and knee high boots only do so much.  Leggings are great, but are too casual for the more dressy stuff.  I definitely was in need of something that provided more coverage, ergo more warmth. 

Enter - over the knee boots.

They cover the majority of one's legs.  Check.

They are sexy.  Check.

They are in fashion....still.  Check.

Can someone who is 50 still wear them? Hmmmm....Not so sure.

I just read an article that stated the age you should stop buying jeans is 53.  WHAT?! You mean I only have 3 more years before I have to give up something as basic as jeans?!  I'm sorry, but I find that absurd.  Who exactly makes up these fashion rules?  Who keeps putting age limits on how short our skirts should be, what haircut we should have, and what age we should still be buying jeans at?  (Probably a Millenial, no doubt.)  Since, I am pretty sure I am not about to stop buying denim when I turn 53, I decided that the question shouldn't be CAN you wear something at a certain age, but rather, HOW CAN you wear it so that it adapts to your age, changing body, and lifestyle. I can tell you that at 53 I won't be buying low slung jeans with embroidery, unicorns and glitter spewed on them, but I will be buying ones that are simple, fit well and work with the rest of my wardrobe at that point in time. 

I now turn back to the issue at hand - over the knee boots.  

Over the knee boots have come a long way since Julia Roberts wore them in Pretty Woman.  About that time (which was over 25 years ago) I bought a pair.  However, they weren't true over the knee boots.  Only the front part came up to cover the top of my knee and it would eventually slouch down, turning them into very long boots. I wore them with pride back then, until the trend passed and turned my trendy footwear into ghosts of fashions past. Over the last couple of years, over the knee boots have been resurrected, becoming a part of mainstream style once again.  Heidi Klum wears them and looks great.  But she is still in her 40's and a supermodel, so I'm not sure I can use that as my green light to move forward with this idea. Luckily, I still had my old pair and figured they would be a good indicator as to whether over the knee boots at my age were even doable. I pulled them out, dusted them off and tried them on with some leggings of the same color.  The boots blended into my legs and provided a long lean line.  I love the way they made me feel - confident and sexy. Part of me felt like I was in my 20's again, but knowing I am not,  I left my house with a bit of apprehension.  No one scoffed, no one stared.  Someone even complemented me on them.  This was a good sign.  However, wearing over the knee boots with leggings, where they don't stand out, is different than wearing them with a dress.  Since the boots I had were too casual, and wouldn't keep my knees from knocking in this cold weather, I started my search.  I needed something a bit more formal, but not too out there.  I had two "musts", besides comfort.  A string to tie the top as without it, the boots will ultimately slouch and look sloppy, and ones narrow enough for my legs so that the boots would hug my skin, and look almost like tights.  

I tried on every pair I could get my hands on.  Some heels were too high, most pairs didn't tie, many were too wide or didn't have a zipper, which made them hard to get on and off.  I found a pair at SaksOffFifth.  They had the perfect block heel that wasn't too high and could be worn with a dress, they were skinny, had a zipper and a tie at the top.  Now here comes the question: HOW CAN someone who is 50 wear them?

First off, it's best to wear them with wintery knits so you look in season.   Boots during any time of the year other than fall or winter, always seem off to me.  After all, feet need to see the light of day at some point.  The dress should be long enough to just skim the top of the boot, allowing for a slim line of skin to show through.  Anything too short will not look age appropriate.  

Boots from Saks Off Fifth, dress by MARC NEW YORK by Marc Anthony.

Boots from Saks Off Fifth, dress by MARC NEW YORK by Marc Anthony.

When I walk, the dress often falls to the top of the boot, covering any skin that is showing and giving the impression that I am wearing opaque tights.

The other option is to wear them with a longer skirt.  No one will know how high they go, the boots will take on more of a utilitarian purpose and become insulators to keep you warm.  Finding boots that hug your legs closely, will prevent them from looking bulky under a longer piece.  You want to avoid the new over the knee UGG look, which gives people elephant legs.  (Honestly, what were they thinking!!!)  

Boots from Saks Off Fifth, skirt from H&M

Boots from Saks Off Fifth, skirt from H&M

So, can you wear over the knee boots at 50?  You can decide for yourself, but I say"Go for it!" Just make sure you pick a pair that suits your legs and make you feel fierce, as they have to be worn not only with the right clothing, but with confidence!