Getting old sucks.  There I said it.  Unfortunately, like it or not, we are doomed to get older, it means we are alive. How we handle this process will play a role in how we feel as we mature.  It is much like the making of a fine wine that is akin to aging.  We must take care of the process at each step of the way, or else our beautiful vintage could easily turn into vinegar.    What we put into and on our bodies, how we treat our inner and outer selves will play a role in how we embrace each new point in time.  Every decade presents itself with different obstacles and phases of development.  We have different perspectives in our 20's than we do in our 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond.     Luckily, reaching those middle to upper years is no longer what it was for prior generations.  Nowadays women in midlife find themselves sophisticed, with more confidence and a bold sense of self awareness than they ever had before.  Can 50 really be the new 30?  (Don’t ask a millennial.)  As 50 approaches, I find I must adapt new ways to embrace the challenges that getting older bring. The complexities of life continue to develop and fresh paths must be discovered to continue on the road to becoming that well aged vintage of fine wine.   Afterall, I would choose a glass of Bordeaux over a glass of balsamic any day.  Wouldn’t you? 

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