The Fresh Sophisticate

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Lucky Dumpling Soup

February has just been a flutter of culinary activity.  On the heels of Valentine's Day, we now say good bye to chocolate hearts as we usher in Chinese New Year. This Friday, February 16, Asian cultures celebrate the Lunar New Year, this year being the year of man's best friend - the Dog.  Spoiler Alert - I am not Asian, therefore I always look for something easy to make in cultures whose cuisine I am not very familiar with. Another fact -  I am not a soup person.  I find soup just takes way too much time to eat. However, this cold winter has left me looking for any way possible to warm up, and with Chinese New Year on the horizon, I thought this would be a perfect option to celebrate this festive occasion.  Dumplings are considered a lucky food for Chinese New Year, as they symbolize wealth, so when I found a recipe for potsticker soup that seemed simple enough for me to work with, I decided to go for it. While this recipe is not quite a traditional Asian one, it is definitely yummy.  Kung hei fat choi!

4 cups vegetable stock

2 cups chicken stock

2 cups water

1 bunch scallions

1 small onion

1 - 2 cloves crushed garlic

1 package (about 4 cups) Asian style vegeatbles (fresh or frozen)

4 heads baby bok choy cut up

2 Tablespoons soy sauce

1 package frozen potstickers

1 Tablespoon olive oil

Salt to taste

Chop the onion and scallions.  Sautee onions, scallions and garlilc until fragrant.  Stir in the vegetables and cook 1-2 minutes, Add the vegetable stock, chicken stock and water and simmer on low for about 20 minutes.   Stir in soy sauce.  Add the bok choy and potstickers and cook until potsticker are cooked through.  Add salt to taste.